Due to the COVID-19 Pandemic and the restrictions enacted by Jackson County, the regularly scheduled meetings of the Raytown Fire Protection District will be held virtually on Zoom.

Members of the public may attend these meetings held at 6:00 PM on the second and forth Tuesday of each month by going to

Friday, August 31, 2012

2012 Code books available for public viewing

Copies of the 2012 International Building code and the 2012 International Fire code were placed for public viewing at 6020 Raytown Trafficway on August 30, 12 at 0900 hrs. These copies shall be available for public viewing Monday through Friday from 0900-1700 hrs each day. This will remain in effect till the end of the business day on December 7, 2012.

Monday, August 20, 2012

Fire Fighters vs Cops for Dream Factory

Members of both the Raytown Fire Protection District and the Raytown Police competed in a charity dance competition on August 16, 2012.  Members of the audience then voted with their dollars with all the proceeds benefiting Larry Moore and the Dream Factory of Kansas City.  The official result was a tie, however all you have you is watch to see who the real winners are.  This video was provided courtesy of Michael Downing editor in chief of www.Raytownonline. com .